A Thought on Perseverance

This year’s trials have been many, across a number of fronts. I can’t recall a time in my life when there’s been so much happening when I’ve wondered in those quiet moments how we even got through it.
It’s only by God’s grace that my family and I have been able to press forward.
Despite our desire to be victorious in all things and resume a season of tranquility, there are many instances where we can only take small steps, and that’s okay, as it is by God’s design for the believer.
Nonetheless, there is much to ponder.
We should already take note about what we can glean so far this year. Some things were good, and obviously, some things weren’t. We can look back and see where we were strong in faith & character, and where we were weak in resolve & commitment. It’s important to see what we can build on moving forward with our Lord Jesus Christ and where we need to reevaluate and reprioritize.
The accumulation of “micro-changes” leads us closer to fully realizing them. And therein remains the key point.
For the believer, perseverance is the continued pursuit of something with eternal value. Each of us began works worth building upon with our Heavenly Father. Through our persistence, we are able to build on what is good, holy, and acceptable.
To model this perseverance one has to know how to deal with disappointment, failed expectations, discouragement, and frustration. For all of us this will be a thorn in our flesh which we’ll need to struggle with daily. How we respond to this challenge will define how much or how little our faith is in the Lord.
We don’t seek perfection. However, incremental changes are bound to bring forth the fruit of our eternal pursuits. May we always seek the Lord’s approval and maintain the heart to listen and do as He wishes for the honor and Glory of His name.
Burning Bush Press is a family run publication dedicated to promoting the literary voices of homeschoolers. We’ve existed since 2015. We offer readers and homeschoolers of like-minded faith the opportunity to find inspiration, creativity, and biblical truth to live boldly for Jesus Christ.